Vishwakarma Puja Reason behind Celebration
Shri Vishwakarma Puja is a significant Hindu festival celebrated in honor of Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect and craftsman. This day is observed to pay homage to the creator of machines and tools, and it holds great importance for craftsmen, engineers, and artisans. The festival usually falls on the last day of the Bengali month Bhadra, which is around mid-September.
According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishwakarma is considered the divine architect of the universe. He is believed to have built the holy city of Dwarka, along with various weapons for the gods. He is revered as the master craftsman who designed and created the powerful weapons of the gods.
On this auspicious day, craftsmen and artisans clean their tools and machinery and decorate their workplaces. Special pujas (worship ceremonies) are conducted to seek Lord Vishwakarma’s blessings for success and prosperity in their respective fields. This day is also marked by distributing sweets and feasting among the community members.
Shri Vishwakarma Chalisa (in Hindi):
जय विश्वकर्मा विश्वेश्वरिया, जगमग जननी जिव विक्रिया। करुणासागर, जग भंडार, आगम निगम भव विहार।।
चारु मुख चन्द्र चकोर चूड़ा, चरण चिह्न चित्रित ब्रज राज। जानत जन जगत उजियारा, जनक सुता बृज बिहार।।
चारू चित्र बन, सुख उबारा, जगत पालक जगदीश्वर। जन उधारक उधार भारा, जन्म संवत ७५७ आज।।
Shri Vishwakarma Aarti (in Hindi):
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा। तुम से है विश्व का उजियारा, सबका मालिक एक सवारा।
अंधकार में दीपक जलाना, सबकी यही आशीर्वाद भगवाना। कर्म करो फल की चिंता न करो, विश्वकर्मा है तुम्हारा प्यारा।
जय विश्वकर्मा, जय जय विश्वकर्मा। तुम से है विश्व का उजियारा, सबका मालिक एक सवारा।
The Reason behind it ?

Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated to honor and pay homage to Lord Vishwakarma, who is revered as the divine architect and craftsman in Hindu mythology. There are several reasons behind the celebration of this auspicious day:
- Creator of the Universe: According to Hindu belief, Lord Vishwakarma is considered the divine architect of the universe. He is credited with designing and creating the palaces, weapons, and tools of the gods. He is also believed to have built the magnificent city of Dwarka for Lord Krishna.
- Patron Deity of Craftspeople: Vishwakarma is regarded as the patron deity of craftsmen, artisans, architects, and engineers. People in various professions like carpentry, welding, blacksmithing, and other skilled trades pay homage to Lord Vishwakarma on this day.
- Blessing for Prosperity: It is believed that by performing pujas and seeking Lord Vishwakarma’s blessings, craftsmen and artisans can enhance their skills and ensure prosperity in their respective fields. They clean and decorate their tools and machinery as a symbol of respect and devotion.
- Community Celebration: Vishwakarma Puja is a community event where people come together to celebrate the achievements of craftsmen and their contributions to society. It fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among those in the trade.
- Cultural Significance: The festival holds cultural importance, especially in regions where crafts and skilled labor are integral parts of the local economy. It serves as a platform to showcase traditional craftsmanship and artistry.
- Historical and Mythological Significance: Vishwakarma Puja has references in ancient scriptures like the Rigveda. Lord Vishwakarma’s mention in these texts further solidifies his significance in Hindu mythology.
- Harvest Festival: In some regions, Vishwakarma Puja is also associated with the harvest season, and it is considered an auspicious time to start new projects and ventures.
Overall, Vishwakarma Puja is a celebration that recognizes and pays tribute to the skills and talents of craftsmen and artisans, while also seeking divine blessings for continued success and prosperity in their work.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is Vishwakarma Puja?
Vishwakarma Puja is a Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect and craftsman. It is observed to honor and seek blessings for skilled craftsmen, artisans, and workers involved in various industries and professions.
2. When is Vishwakarma Puja celebrated?
Vishwakarma Puja is typically celebrated on the last day of the Bengali month of Bhadra, which usually falls in September or October according to the Gregorian calendar. However, the date may vary depending on regional and local traditions.
3. Who is Lord Vishwakarma?
Lord Vishwakarma is a revered deity in Hinduism, known as the celestial architect and engineer of the gods. He is credited with constructing the divine weapons and palaces for the gods, including Lord Indra’s Vajra and Lord Krishna’s Dwarka.
4. What is the significance of Vishwakarma Puja?
Vishwakarma Puja holds great significance for those involved in creative and technical professions. It is a day to express gratitude to Lord Vishwakarma for his divine craftsmanship and seek his blessings for skill, creativity, and success in their respective fields.
5. How is Vishwakarma Puja celebrated?
The celebrations of Vishwakarma Puja vary from region to region, but they typically involve the following:
- Cleaning and Decorating Workspaces: Workplaces, factories, and tools are cleaned and decorated with flowers, rangolis, and other festive decorations.
- Worshipping Tools and Machinery: On this day, workers and craftsmen offer prayers and perform rituals to their tools, machinery, and equipment, seeking divine blessings for their continued efficiency and productivity.
- Special Puja and Aarti: A special puja (ritual) is conducted in honor of Lord Vishwakarma. This includes offering flowers, incense, sweets, and other offerings. Aarti (ceremonial prayer) is performed to conclude the puja.
- Distribution of Prasad: After the puja, prasad (sacred food) is distributed among the attendees. It is considered auspicious and is consumed as a symbol of blessings.
- Feasting and Celebrations: People often come together for feasts and cultural events to mark the occasion. It is a time for camaraderie and festivities.
6. Who observes Vishwakarma Puja?
Vishwakarma Puja is primarily observed by professionals and workers in industries related to engineering, architecture, carpentry, metalwork, machinery, and other technical and creative fields. However, it is not limited to them, and anyone can participate in the celebrations.
7. Is Vishwakarma Puja only celebrated in India?
While Vishwakarma Puja is most prominently celebrated in India, especially in states like West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, and Orissa, it is also observed in Nepal, Bangladesh, and other Hindu communities around the world with similar fervor.
8. Can non-Hindus participate in Vishwakarma Puja?
Yes, Vishwakarma Puja is a festival that welcomes participation from people of all faiths and backgrounds. It is a celebration of craftsmanship, creativity, and the spirit of labor, and everyone is encouraged to join in the festivities.